Financial Aid

Berkeley Digital
Film Institute
BDFI: Berkeley Digital Film Institute

Financial Aid

Financial assistance for our students is available through the Sallie Mae Financial Bank

Smart Option Student Loan Program.

Here is the link to the Smart Option Loan homepage:

Students who are interested in this option are advised to call the school first, and have our Dean walk you through the online application process.

Sallie Mae Smart Option Student Loans are done online, and they do sometimes require some guidance as to the answers to some of the online questions, especially in regards to school beginning and end dates, etc. There are several answers unique to Berkeley Digital, so we advise having us walk you through the process, on the phone, in real time. This will assure that all of the answers are correct the first time the application is made.

Please feel free to give us a call on this matter.
Our number is (510) 549-3456.